Splash, splash. I was paddling aimlessly on my floaty in the wave pool at West Wave when a sudden screeching siren pierced my eardrums. “The waves!” I thought and sure enough ,tremendous walls of water smacked into me head-first, pushing me away, leaving me wide-eyed, but it didn’t last long.
The wave chucked me straight in the direction of a wall. I desperately kicked away from the wall and headed for swimming lessons. Relieved that I was in one piece.
Were you worried? You describe the story like I was actually there
- Kyla
WOW! was it fun sounds like it.
Wow! just wow! I LOVE you're story!!!!!!!!!!
write more please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What up dog! Sounds like you put lots of power into it
:) :( :* :& :^ :% :$ :£ :@ :!
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